Why the babocush will be your best friend if you have a newborn and a toddler

Why the babocush will be your best friend if you have a newborn and a toddler

Posted by Babocush Support on

If you are on the verge of giving birth for the second or third time, you know there are a series of unique challenges ahead. Your home will be a busy, baby-oriented place and your focus is firmly on the safety and welfare of your newest family member. If you already have children in the home, especially toddlers, this time will prove difficult for both for parents and siblings alike. At babocush, we believe we can help you during this trying time and help you to create a positive environment in your home.


Creating a welcoming and safe place for your newborn is naturally a major consideration for any parent. Aside from the practical considerations such as cots, prams and bottles, it’s also vital to prepare the other children in the home. Make time to talk to your other children and explain as best as possible that there will be changes in the home. Tell them about the experiences you shared with them and how newborns have different relaxing, sleeping and feeding habits.

Even toddlers can be made to feel involved with their new sibling from an early age. If they feel that they are helping, it will completely transform the environment in your home for the better, it can also address issues around jealousy. Make it clear that you will set time aside for your other children, the sense of structure can help them adjust. The babocush can make this time a reality, it allows you to interact with your older children while your baby relaxes on the cushion.

Going out

After giving birth, you can sometimes feel as though you live in your own time zone and arriving on time to anything becomes an achievement.  Unsurprisingly when you have more than one child, it doesn’t get easier. In an ideal world, any outing would be well planned and you would prepare everything a day in advance, but the reality is different. You find yourself trying to prepare your baby bag, dressing your toddler and locating the car keys all at once!

Break down the rush with the help of the babocush and deal with one family member at a time. Before going out, feed your newborn then allow them to rest on the cushion in a position which is proven to aid digestion. While the youngest family member rests, you can switch your focus to your toddler and help them get ready for an your outing.

A free set of hands

When you have a toddler and newborn you may feel that your hands are full all the time. The babocush doesn’t just allow you time to with your toddler, it means time for you too. Time that can be spent reading, messaging friends or drinking tea and catching up on a your favourite television series. These moments of peace are vital for your wellbeing and can help to offer some much needed normality during a hectic time in your life.

For more info and to talk to other parents who put their faith in the babocush, join our Facebook group here.

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